
Content Designer / Systems Designer / 

Difficulty Balancing

Mythifex is a role playing card game I worked on over the course of 2 years in college. For an overview of the game you can visit the website through the link on the right. 


During my time working on this game I designed challenges and adventures that the players would make their way through, I also designed starter decks based on the adventures that they would be featured in. Many of the core systems were already in place when I joined the project, so I spent most of my time refining them to be more accesible to new players. at this time, I felt the gameplay was lacking player agency, So I branced off from content design to focus on creating more player choice in the basic mechanics. One of the major design decisions I made was to have the players hand size act as their healthbar. Another was creating a shop and currency system. Here, the player has the option to either spend gold to restore their hand size back to normal, buy resources, spend money to gamble for good or bad effects on the whole game, or save their money to revive allys mid battle. I also began work on a "roguelite" mode.


Finally I also helped with the overall balancing of the difficulty for the game. after I felt the game was in a good state, I created a way for players to modify the challenge based on the number of players through a dice roll.

Mythifex is a role playing card game I worked on over the course of 2 years in college. For an overview of the game you can visit the website through the link below. 

During my time working on this game I designed challenges and adventures that the players would make their way through, I also designed starter decks based on the adventures that they would be featured in. Many of the core systems were already in place when I joined the project, so I spent most of my time refining them to be more accesible to new players. at this time, I felt the gameplay was lacking player agency, So I branced off from content design to focus on creating more player choice in the basic mechanics. One of the major design decisions I made was to have the players hand size act as their healthbar. Another was creating a shop and currency system. Here, the player has the option to either spend gold to restore their hand size back to normal, buy resources, spend money to gamble for good or bad effects on the whole game, or save their money to revive allys mid battle. I also began work on a "roguelite" mode.


Finally I also helped with the overall balancing of the difficulty for the game. after I felt the game was in a good state, I created a way for players to modify the challenge based on the number of players through a dice roll.